Order 66 was executed once more in number 17 of the Darth Vader comic series
Palpatine’s iconic “execute Order 66” line is perhaps the most memorable part of the prequels. Lucas brilliantly conveyed the emotion of the order, and the impact that it had on the Jedi. As we know: not all Jedi were killed, which is going to be pivotal in the upcoming Jedi: Fallen Order. But this was also an important plot point in Charles Soule’s Darth Vader comic, where the order is used once more.

Surviving Jedi Knight, Ferren Barr, was trapped by the Inquisitorius while trying to protect Mon Cala and its king, Lee-Char. Things looked bad for Barr until he spoke the order, which made every clone trooper turn to attack the Inquisitorius instead.

Although it was no where near as well done as in Revenge of the Sith, it was an awesome call back to what was a pivotal moment in the Star Wars galaxy.