Where to find the best of Darth Vader (outside of the movies)

Darth Vader has the reputation as one of the most fierce and iconic villains of all time. The prequels told the story of a Jedi who struggled with his overbearing emotions, but offered little insight into what the Dark Lord was like at his most powerful. Rogue One gave a brief glimpse into the power that Vader has, and the fear that he generates in his enemies, but sadly this brilliant scene only lasted a matter of minutes.
Despite the dearth of scenes portraying Darth Vader at his most powerful, we’ve compiled a list which examines the very best portrayals of the iconic antagonist outside of the Star Wars movies:
Lords of the Sith
Paul S. Kemp’s Canon novel takes place after Revenge of the Sith and before Tarkin. It provides insight into Vader’s first few missions in his new cybernetic armor, and how he struggles with this new outfit. Kemp presents Vader’s emotions too: how he still feels for Padme and how he fears that his bond with The Emperor may not be as it seems. Despite this, the emotional Dark Lord is also at his most powerful, even able to take down a Rebel freighter in the sky using the Force.
Perhaps the most frightening representation of Vader comes from how the Rebels see him. Lords of the Sith introduces us to some new Rebels, who all believe in the cause enough to die for it. They all also fear Vader: everything from his power to his ominous breathing. Lords of the Sith is one of the best canon novels and is a must read for all who want more background information on Vader.
Darth Vader Comics
Issue 1 of Charles Soule’s canon comic book series begins as soon as Revenge of the Sith ends. Starting from Vader’s iconic “nooo” the opening comic depicts a heartbroken Vader who misses Padme, but fully trusts in his Master. Darth Sidious informs Vader of his first mission: to find a living Jedi, kill them and take their lightsaber.

Sadly after Issue 1, the following issues rarely depict much a developed or complex Vader. But Soule does a fantastic job of showcasing just how cruel and merciless Vader can be. He destroys a whole city, cuts the arm off a member of the Inquisitorius (who Vader is training) and develops into an elite warrior. Certainly a fun read, especially if you want to see Vader at his most menacing.
Revenge of the Sith Novelization
The prequels received a lot of criticism from Star Wars die-hards and non-fans alike. Some of it was merited (poor dialogue, strange side stories ect), but the Revenge of the Sith novelization fixes all of these issues. Matthew Stover’s adaptation gave new depth to each main character and managed to make the dialogue much more interesting and meaningful. Stover told the story from a different narrative point depending on the scene, bouncing the narrative from character to character. Even characters like C3PO and General Grievous are given much more depth. The depiction of Dooku and his confidence/arrogance is masterful.
But it’s Stover’s representation of Anakin which is really notable. For many Revenge of the Sith only really picks up when Anakin pledges himself to Palpatine, but in this adaptation there’s so much more before this. From Anakin’s relationship with Obi Wan, to his feelings for Padme, so much can be found here which just isn’t fully presented in the movie. Stover’s novel is a must read for all prequels fans, and especially for those who want more insight into how and why Anakin turned into Darth Vader.
The Clone Wars
The Clone Wars (currently up on Netflix) focuses on the events that took place within the war, filling the gaps between the second and third prequel movies. At this point Anakin has become a truly powerful Jedi and has formed a strong bond with Obi Wan. Outside of this relationship, Anakin also trains a Padawan: Ahsoka Tano. Ankin’s Padawn quickly shows how great of an asset she can be to the Jedi, and constantly shows her caring side.

The Wrong Jedi, the series 5 finale, provides the most insight into Anakin’s turn to the Dark Side. Wrongly accused of a crime, Ahsoka is banished from the Jedi Order. Anakin works tirelessly to prove his Padawn is innocent (often showcasing his Dark Side tendencies in doing so) and finally proves Ahsoka is innocent. When invited back to the Order Ahsoka turns the offer down, obviously feeling like she needs more time to reflect on her life choices and what to do next. This hurts Anakin, who has built up a strong bond with his Padawn, which leads to him feeling lost and alienated from the Jedi. A great watch to see more of what led to Anakin’s downfall.
Rebels focuses on the lead up to A New Hope and features many of the characters from the first Star Wars movie and Rogue One. Vader is not a heavily featured character within this series, but his presence is always felt. However in Twilight of the Apprentice, the Season 2 finale, Vader is the most focused on villain. But the most shocking part of this episode is the appearance of Ahsoka, who challenges Vader.
After a spectacular showdown, Vader’s mask is damaged and for a few seconds we see into the eyes of Anakin. Lost, hurt and damaged. Ahsoka sees this too and is shocked by this discovery. Rebels does not consistently hit the heights that The Clone Wars does, but the Season 2 finale is a great watch for all wanting to see more of Vader, and his former Padawan.
Lost Stars
Claudia Gray’s fantastic novel, Lost Stars, is probably the greatest of all Star Wars canon novels. It focuses on two childhood friends who enlist in the Imperial Academy, but battle with their feelings for each other and different views on what is ‘right’. Gray’s novel offers an insight into how the Imperials reacted to events like seeing Alderaan being destroyed.
Vader is far from a big character in this novel, only featuring one or two times. But like Lords of the Sith it reveals how other characters view Vader. Even the Imperials fear Vader and feel cold around him. A must read for all Star Wars fans, and those who want an insight into how Vader was perceived by minor characters.
The Force Unleashed
This action/adventure game released in 2008 focused on the beginnings of the Rebel Alliance before the days of Rogue One. The main character, Starkiller, is a secret apprentice of Darth Vader. Although Starkiller struggles with this role and leaves Vader’s side. Sadly this game is not canon, but it is a lost gem in the midst of many Star Wars games.
The player also gets to play as Vader in the opening level. Vader is incredibly overpowered and quickly dispenses of all enemies in his way. The Force Unleashed may be the best way to get a sense of Vader’s power through a video game.