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Star Wars novels are returning to the prequel days, which is a surprise, to be sure, but a welcome o

Two upcoming novels will focus on Padmé’s transition to a senator, and a new mission for Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan

This year’s San Diego Comic-Con has made it clear that Disney wants to flesh out the prequel era for Star Wars. Sadly, production of spin-off movies has been halted due to poor box office performance, but it seems that Disney’s stategy to counter this is to build on untold stories from the days before the Empire. There's been an exclusive cover for Thrawn: Alliances available, and the huge announcement that The Clone Wars series will be returning, and two new novels have also been announced for release next year.

Master and Apprentice

How many of us have wished for an Obi-Wan spin-off movie? Master and Apprentice is a step in the right direction for this, as a young Obi-Wan joins with Qui-Gon on a “a dangerous mission for the Jedi.” Little is known about the plot, but it is set before the events of the Phantom Menace, which means we’ll be able to see the young Padawan, Obi-Wan, grow into the powerful Jedi we know him as. Claudia Gray wrote the absolutely incredible Lost Stars, so expectations are high for Master and Apprentice, which releases on the 26th of February.

Queen’s Shadow

Author E.K. Johnston will present the transition Padmé faced when leaving her role as Queen of Naboo, and becoming a senator. She’ll have to learn to “navigate the treacherous waters of politics” and create a new identity, different to who she was a Queen. We’re also hoping for an appearance from Palpatine, and maybe even a mention of Anakin - revealing how her feelings for the young Jedi begun. Queen’s Shadow will be released on the third of May, just in time for Star Wars day!

Be sure to stay tuned to TriForce Reviews for the latest reviews and news for these novels, and so much more!



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