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What’s the appeal of gaming figures? We explore the lure and reasons behind it

In Ocarina of Time Ganondorf told Link that “These toys are too much for you”, but would he say the same about figures?

It seems rare now for a big game to release without a collector’s edition available too. Ranging in price, quality, and availability, gaming figures have never been more popular. But why do some feel the need to potentially spend double, even triple (or much more), of what the game costs, on what are essentially expensive dust collectors? Join us as we jump into the world of gaming figures and explore their popularity.

Recent media coverage has highlighted the new form of addiction that can come from too much gaming. Not only is it seen as physically unhealthy, but medical experts have now spotted a correlation between excessive gaming and mental health issues. But what the media has not chosen to focus on are the benefits that many reap from video games. According to Psychreg, an informative website based on psychology, mental health and well-being, gaming offers a world that is “often more fantastical or appealing than their own”, and provides chances to succeed and progress that “constrain real-life action.”

Clearly, gaming is more than just a pastime or hobby. It’s an escape into a new and exciting world; a chance to live out various lives in unimaginable locations.

So, what does this have to do with gaming figures?

According to John Tenuto, a Sociology Professor who was interviewed for The Toys That Made Us, toys and memorabilia are a “tangible symbol of their love for something that isn’t real, that has no shape or form in actuality.” Of course, every healthy gamer knows that there comes a time when the controller has to be put down and that you have to complete your daily (and less exciting) quests first. Well, when the games are off, that escapism disappears, as do many of the experiences and achievements. Figures offer a reminder to gamers: they’re a “tangible symbol” of a world and life that is unachievable, but serve as a reminder of a world far, far away.

Tenuto went on to state that “It’s a very human experience to need to touch, and to feel, and to see a thing in order for it to have meaning.” Games are fantasy. Whether Action, Horror, Science Fiction or Sports. They’re not real. But the emotions and experiences they create are, and it’s impossible to recapture these moments outside of the game. Figures become a symbol of that experience, of that memory, of that journey you went through.

Just like most games, figures are what we make them. They’re the reflection in an impossible mirror, which stand proudly on any gamer’s shelf. After all, at a time when you can’t pick up your favourite game, “it’s dangerous to go alone…” Figures represent the very games that we love, and they're tangible objects to celebrate our love for gaming when the screen turns off.



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