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New sneak-peek from Thrawn: Alliances shows us where the fun begins as Anakin meets Thrawn

A New excerpt from the upcoming Thrawn: Alliances reveals the first time Anakin Skywalker met Thrawn

In the most anticipated Star Wars release this year (since there won’t be any more spin-off movies for a while), Timothy Zhan’s second novel focussed on Thrawn will be released on July 24th. His first brought Thrawn to the Canon and highlighted the Chiss’ strategic brilliance, which was later showcased in Rebels.

Thrawn: Alliances looks to build on this by focusing on a mission both Thrawn and Vader must complete together. We’re hoping that it will add to Darth Vader’s best moments and build on the fantastic portrayal of Thrawn from Zhan. Surprisingly though, the preview released actually revolves around the first meeting between the Chiss and the (then) Jedi, Anakin Skywalker.

When Thrawn met The Emperor in Zahn’s first novel, The Chiss indicated that he had met Vader before, but referred to him as Anakin Skywalker. Sadly that was not elaborated on again in the novel, but from the extract released it’s clear to see that this will be addressed further.

We’re hoping that this mission with Vader and Thrawn will be as well done as Lords of the Sith, which is one of the best Canon novels. Stay tuned to TriForce Reviews for more news and a review of the highly anticipated novel!

Sadly this awesome book cover will only be available to those who attend the San Diego Comic Con...



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