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These are not the spin-offs that Disney are looking for…but they should be

Disney decides to postpone the release of further Star Wars spin-off movies to focus on the main episodes

In the amazing Rogue One, Jyn stated that “rebellions are built on hope.” But that hope is sadly dying for Star Wars fans with the announcement that spin-off movies will be put on hold due to bad box-office results. Here’s why you should be annoyed with this decision.

There is still good in them…we know there is

Despite the worries around the production of Solo: A Star Wars Story, it was actually a great movie which showcased some brilliant moments from Han. But sadly many didn’t even give the movie a chance: globally the movie has only made $343 million, which is pretty bad considering Rogue One made $1.06 billion.

But why is this? Rogue One had some incredible scenes, including some amazing new Darth Vader moments. But so did Solo, and it opened up new story avenues with that surprise appearance.

It seems that fans avoided another Star Wars movie after the huge disappointment of The Last Jedi. Even though the novelization had some interesting moments, the movie itself was a tough watch. The fun dynamic between Finn and Rey was lost, Rey’s character came off as pretty emotionless, and Luke was just nothing like he should’ve been. Add this with a tedious story and you have bantha dung instead of a Star Wars movie.

Only a Sith deals in absolutes, Disney should do what they must

Basing a huge decision like this on the reception of just one movie feels incredibly short-sighted. The Force Awakens reignited a want for new Star Wars movies, and shows just how important a good movie can be in creating anticipation for another.

Ever since the idea of spin-offs was considered, fans have longed for movies focusing on the likes of Boba Fett, Yoda, Obi Wan, and countless others. Why would Disney throw away this opportunity to bring Star Wars fans back from the Dark Side, just because one movie didn’t do that well?

Disney should not be looking to cancel spin-offs, they should focus on making good movies which appeal to both mainstream and die-hard fans. Cutting back on production just makes it less likely for Disney to make more great movies, and fearing bad public reception should be easily avoided. “Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.”



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