President of the Pokemon Company calls Let’s go Pikachu/Evee a “remake of Pokemon Yellow”
In a recent interview with Famitsu, a Japanese gaming magazine, Pokemon Co. President Tsunekazu Ishihara shared some new details on the upcoming new Pokemon games set for release later this year.

Ishihara confirmed that the company had been working on the game since the release of the Switch. Based on how the system’s previous big-selling games had been based on Nintendo’s most iconic characters, it makes sense that a Pokemon game was in development early on. The President of the Pokemon company also made it clear that they intend to fully utilize the Switch’s new gameplay style - especially with the Joy-Cons.
Throwing a Pokemon ball to catch a Pokemon will be similar to Pokemon Go, which the game also has a tie in with. This is added to by the option to add a second player, who “can help you catch Pokemon.” This is an interesting addition and hopefully more details will release soon about this feature. Certainly the multiplayer aspect links in to one of the Switch’s main selling points.
Perhaps most excitingly for nostalgic Pokemon fans, Ishihara described the upcoming release as a “remake of Pokemon Yellow”. Since the release of Pokemon Yellow on the 3DS, it has been one of the most downloaded games for the handheld consoles. This obviously won’t be a direct port though, as Ishihara already stated that the way to catch Pokemon will differ. But Ishihara also confirmed that they want to revamp the appearance of the game, using the Switch’s power to improve the graphics.
If Let’s Go Pikachu/Evee are even half as good as Pokemon Yellow then we have a lot to look forward to! Those original Pokemon games were truly special.