Throwback Thursday - Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune

Released in 2007 by Naughty Dog (the makers of the Jak and Daxter series) Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune received many plaudits and awards. It was seen as a breakthrough game at the time, acclaimed for its voice acting, graphics and action-packed gameplay, while also bringing platforming back to the mainstream. But, replaying now, does it still hold up?
Almost. Its simple story still resonates today. It begins with Nathan Drake, the protagonist, and Elena Fisher, a reporter, uncovering the coffin of Sir Francis Drake, a long lost relative of Nathan. However, when they open the coffin they only find a dairy, with many clues for his actual plan. So begins the Tomb Raider style search for the truth through many forgotten tombs and landscapes. The pair are joined by Sully, a longtime friend of Nathan, but a slightly two dimensional character.
From there the action is pretty continuous. The shootout mechanics are well done, with decent accuracy needed and plenty of opportunity for cover and shoot gameplay. The gun variety is pretty limited, but it’s pretty exciting and tense overall. These sections are combined with awesome platforming mechanics, less fine-tuned than the Assassin’s Creed series, but certainly on a par with Tomb Raider.
The world is created so that you can explore, but not too far. The main way is always fairly clear, which makes it very linear, if at times a little closed. Some opportunities are also provided for other modes of transport, such as a jet ski. These sections can feel incredibly exhilarating, but can be frustrating as enemies really need to be killed before putting your foot down.
The Uncharted series has always felt like a blockbuster experience, and it all stems from Drake’s Fortune. Although it may not be as fine tuned as later games in the series, it is certainly worth revisiting, even if only for the short story experience.