The Darth Vader comic gives an insight into how Darth Vader became so feared by the Imperial soldier

Of course you don’t need too many reasons to be afraid of a menacing, unhuman-like, dark figure with frightening powers. But Charles Soule’s comic series focusing on Darth Vader shows just how merciless Vader can be to his Imperial troops and staff.
Following on from an attempted assassination on Vader, he discovers that the bounty was set from Palpatine’s office. The Emperor says he did not test Vader with this attempt at his life, which means his office must have been hacked. Vader does not know who did this, or even if it was someone in the Imperial workforce, but this does not stop him from being completely ruthless towards them.

Palpatine gathers the Imperial commanders together to address them. Vader informs them that he does not know who set the bounty on him, but that he will get to the bottom of it. In the mean time he showcases his power and aggression by choosing five commanders at random, who he Force chokes to death, leaving the others in stunned silence.

No wonder they’re terrified of Vader…The canon texts have provided some great Darth Vader moments, and have gone a long way to showcasing just how powerful and cruel the Dark Lord can actually be.