Rey and Luke dance in the novelization of The Last Jedi
Save the last dance for the Last Jedi novel
In a scene which thankfully did not make it into the movie, Luke Skywalker decides to dance with Rey. It happens after Rey’s first lesson, and before she hears from Kylo Ren about why he left.
Visitors to Ahch-To arrive to party with the island’s natives, which is strange enough, but then Luke lies to Rey that they are here to attack the island dwellers. Rey sprints down the many steps of Ahch-To, only to find a party taking place. And when Luke arrives he “held his hand out to her…inviting her to dance", not explaining why he lied.
There’s not much reason to this scene and it certainly adds nothing to the story, unlike the new opening in the novelization of The Last Jedi. But if yo
ever wondered about Luke Skywalker’s dancing skills, you can now know that according to Rey, he “was a good dancer”.
It’s a pretty strange addition to the novel, and would have seemed just as out of place in the movie too. But at least it wouldn’t have been the most awkward dance to take place in a movie…