Life is Strange developers hint that Max and Chloe will not be returning to the sequel

It looks like the Farewell episode of Life is Strange: Before the Storm may well actually be our final farewell to Max and Chloe. Many were hoping that the story arc involving Max could continue, and perhaps more information could be given on how she developed her time turning powers.
But in a recent blogpost from Deck Nine Games, the develops of Life is Strange: Before the Storms, they heavily hinted that Max and Chloe will not return in the upcoming sequel, and the the story may be different too. They stated that they look forward to when the “team at Dontnod returns to present the new story and characters of the next Life is Strange.”
Of course Deck Nine Games may not have the correct information from Dontnod, and it is possible that Dontnod want to keep their ideas secret from Deck Nine Games. But that seems unlikely. Looks like the new Life is Strange will feature a new range of characters and a new story too.
Keep tuned to TriForce Reviews to hear about more details of the new Life is Strange.