5 things we learn from episodes 10 and 11 of Star Wars: Rebels
Star Wars: Rebels returned on the 20th of February for its final run of episodes. The show has struggled to live up to the high bar set by The Clone Wars, but occasionally Rebels has produced something amazing: especially in the final showdown between Darth Vader and Ahsoka. Much like the show as a whole, episode 10 and 11 offered a varied view of a galaxy far far away. Jedi Knight was a thrilling episode with a huge shock, DUME…not so much. But we’re here to list the most important events which took place within these episodes.

1. Kanan dies!
Knowing that these are the final 10 episodes in the season we had to expect some deaths. But this was really shocking, especially considering it happened with 9 episodes left to go. Kanan holds back a huge ball of flame to allow his crew to escape to safety, but sadly he knows that he cannot save himself. This scene lasts just long enough to make us think he will escape, which makes his death that much more shocking.
2. Hera says she loves Kanan
Their relationship has never been fully explored in the show. It’s hinted at a lot, but their bond is never truly defined. But in Jedi Knight their love for each other is clear, and Hera says the three words she had wanted to say to Kanan for a long time. Kanan never fully responds (but not because he says “I know” like Solo would) because he quickly has to sacrifice himself: perhaps a much more fitting response.
3. Pryce is willing to destroy their fuel supply to defeat the Rebels
Pryce is not the most powerful member of the Empire in Rebels, but her desire to wipe out the Rebellion is made clear when she orders for the fuel tanker the Rebels are on to be shot at. This is what causes Kanan to have to sacrifice himself, which depicts Pryce as an even more viscous character. But Thrawn is less than impressed with Pryce’s initiative. Hopefully we'll see the more cerebral side of Thrown in the next episode.
4. The Jedi Temple on Lothal is significant to Ezra
Ezra deals with the death of his mentor by meditating. Though he at first feels lost he eventually realizes the significance of something in the Jedi Temple on Lothal. It’s not yet clear what this could be, but we can assume it’ll be the focus of the next few episodes. Ezra is the lead Jedi now, it’ll be interesting to see how he adapts to this role.
5. The Emperor appears
At the end of DUME there’s a sneak peak to the next episode, which reveals that Palpatine will finally appear in Rebels. His role is unclear at the moment, but nevertheless it’s exciting to know that the lead antagonist will appear in the final episodes of Rebels. Perhaps he will be the one to end this section of the Rebellion?