My Sea of Thieves Beta Journal: Day 2

After yesterday’s experiences I was looking forward to getting back on deck and getting more out of the game than before. Sadly my first few games were very lacking, but my latest experience was the best yet!
As seems to happen a lot, I spawned on a ship which was already at sail. I joined a crew with two other players who both had headsets and seemed to know what they were doing. Luckily at this point I'd gained my sea legs (kind of) and felt more comfortable with a lot of the controls. Turns out if you hold down the left shoulder button you get the choice to use a range of equipment: including a shovel, a bucket and wood for fixing the ship. Boy I wish I knew that yesterday…I was without a doubt the worst pirate my crew back then had ever seen.

On this voyage I was much more of a help to my crew, but still learned some cool new features too. My crew were well on their way to find some treasure buried in an unknown island. I introduced myself in the customary way - giving a little dance. One of my crew members seemed to take this as a cue to have a party and quickly downed around 6 beers. Sadly this sailor couldn’t drink like a sailor and ended up puking it all up, which I found hilarious until my screen disappeared under green splattering of puke. To this I simply replied with the chosen comment “I need help”, which bonded us in a pretty unique way: 3 pirates and 1 cup later we arrived at our destination.
Swimming to shore we spotted skeletons in the distance, who we made quick work of with our swords. Turns out these skeletons are really easy to beat in small numbers, but they’ll soon be back, and in greater numbers. That’s when they’re a danger. One of my crew found a treasure chest pretty quickly and merrily swam back to the ship with it. My new pirate friend and I still dug around the island and eventually found the other one. But this is when we saw a new ship looming in the distance, and with the fear of losing our treasure we hid the chests and hid ourselves, like the real men we truly are.
Turns out it was just our other crewmate bringing the ship closer to the island: pretty smart, right? Well no. He crashed into the rocks. In the naive attempt to rescue one of our treasure chests we all hopped aboard the quickly sinking ship and in vain we used our buckets to get water out of the ship, but sadly we all went down with the ship as the screen turned white.
Then when the screen turned back I was somehow out of the ship and watching it sink. Looking around for my crewmates I spotted a mermaid! Swimming up to her I pressed X, assuming I’d get something cool. I’m not quite sure what they actually do, but I quickly spawned on a new ship: not too shabby! Not long after my crewmates also arrived so we set sail back to our beginning island.
Once there (it took a while - the wind was against us) we traded our chests for gold and said our merry ways (one of us still more merry than the rest). I now sit on a mild fortune of 600 coins! Tomorrow I plan to buy myself something fancy and look forward to hitting the seven seas once more. Still I’ve not been involved in ship on ship combat, or player vs player combat, so fingers crossed for tomorrow!
Be sure to keep tuned to TriForce Reviews to keep up to date with our Sea of Thieves journal and upcoming review!