Padmé is breaking our hearts in a new excerpt from Thrawn: Alliances
Padmé is on a mission to save an old friend, or avenge their death

Timothy Zhan’s highly anticipated second novel, after Thrawn, will explore the working relationship between Darth Vader and the Chiss. A previous excerpt gave a glimpse into the meeting between the two, with the then-Jedi, Anakin, conducting Republican business. But a new extract from the upcoming release reveals that Padmé is also in the novel, and will play a part in the battle against the Separatists.
The newly released extract reveals that Padmé is in an escape pod, building a plan to save Duja. Little is known about this friend yet, but they must be important if Padmé is willing to go to the lights she has. As the novel states: “It would be risky, but right now it was the only shot she had.” The former Queen of Naboo intends to surface on the planet of Batuu, which can be seen in this new and exclusive cover art for the book.

It was already known that Zhan’s latest novel would look at the partnership formed between Thrawn and Vader, but perhaps it will also focus on the relationship between Padmé, and the Chosen One...