What can Nintendo do to steal E3 again this year?
With both Mario and Zelda already on the Switch, what else do Nintendo have up their sleeves?

In 2016 the Switch was revealed, with Breath of the Wild along side it. Nintendo had managed to steal 2016’s E3: with the majority of social media mentions of E3 referring to either the Switch or the new Zelda game. In 2017 Nintendo showcased Super Mario Odyssey, a game which again gathered the most reaction and press. But in 2018, with both Nintendo’s big hitters already used, what else can Nintendo do to make it a hat-trick of successes?
Last year Nintendo created a huge amount of hype with 1 screen and 1 word: Metroid. As of yet there have been no screenshots or footage, or even details on the game for that matter. Having a playable demo of Metroid would certainly gather a lot of interest, but would it be enough to steal the limelight once more? We’re not sure…
There’s one confirmed Nintendo Switch game that could though: Pokemon. It’s already been confirmed that Nintendo are bringing an open world Pokemon game to the Switch. It’ll be similar to the Gameboy/3DS games, but on a bigger scale. Considering the appeal of Pokemon Go, this could certainly be a game which steals E3 once more. A home console Pokemon RPG could be the ace up Nintendo’s sleeve which they are yet to play.
Of course there have also been rumours about a Virtual Console for the Switch. With Nintendo’s huge catalogue of great games, this could go some way to gathering a lot of attention towards Nintendo. A VC announcement may not be enough to steal the show, but combined with Metroid would certainly make E3 a successful event for the Big N.
Nintendo are a company who have fantastic First Party content that they have relied on for their success. But with a limited number of Nintendo-made icons, it’s also not out of the realm of possibility for Nintendo to showcase a completely new idea.
E3 will take place from June 12th-14th, and you can certainly bet that there will be a lot of excitement and surprises.