My Sea of Thieves Beta Journal - Day 4

Ahoy there mateys and welcome to our Sea of Thieves Beta Day 4 Journal. Yesterday I learned what it takes to be a scoundrel, today sadly I was the ‘scoundrelled’ upon…
I begun my voyage as a solo pirate once more. But before hitting the seas I decided to have a few drinks at the bar; over 6 drinks later I was stumbling around and had lost complete control of my pirate. After a lot of green puke came out of me I decided the best cure would be to hit the seven seas. My next quest involved a riddle, a riddle which helpfully named the island I needed to go to. Turns out it was just south of my current destination.
While sailing I came across a sunken ship and decided to dive in and check out the remains. I was fortunate enough to not only find a chest, but to escape from a shark attack with half my health remaining. A few health-restoring bananas quickly solved that!
When I arrived at my destination I was happy to see there were no skeletons on the island to interfere with my treasure hunting. I quickly followed the clue

of “finding the sun stone in the north east area”. Finding the sun stone (which bore a resemblance to the Gossip Stones from Ocarina of Time) I followed the instructions to head eight paces west. At this time I heard distant cracks: they sounded like either gun-fire or thunder. Searching around I couldn’t see any enemies, so assumed the latter. While digging I heard these cracks again but didn’t bother to investigate. Finding the treasure on my first attempt I swam back to the ship feeling like a pretty awesome pirate.
After climbing aboard I stored my treasure in the captain’s cabin and went for the steering wheel only to see a movement…Hearing another crack I hid behind the wall and pulled out my gun, and when I ventured on to deck I found another pirate who had boarded my ship. A tense shootout occurred which took us all over the ship, but they got the final shot and took me out. When I spawned in the Ferry of the Damned I assumed the pesky pirate had already stolen both my chests so I decided to quit and join a multiplayer game.
What’s the best cure for feeling down about having two treasure chests stolen from you? Spawning on a ship which is headed to an Outpost with 4 chests on board! Plus being part of a crew where one of the players speaks into the mic with a pirate accent is pretty fun too. A particular favourite quote of mine was when he declared we are to “steal their booty, steal their women, and steal their women’s booties”. And yes he was referring to stealing the booty of an incoming enemy ship!

Finally I experienced ship on ship battle! Before this we had safely sold our chests and were rolling in money (which seems pretty unfair to me as I didn’t do anything yet got a cut of the profit, but whatever). On our way to the next island I decided to partake in some drinking again (perhaps I was not fully over the loss of the two chests from before), and I was pretty drunk when the captain sounded the alarm of an incoming enemy ship.
Yup, the moment I had been waiting for…and I was too drunk to even focus. I spent half the battle stood against the canon, facing away from the action, and not able to turn around to see what was happening - let alone actually help. But luckily I sobered up in time to fire a few rounds into the ship (aiming below the water line causes the most damage) and we watched the enemy vessel sink. Sadly there was no loot to be stolen, but it was still a fulfilling victory!
Sea of Thieves has so much to offer, and after four days I barely feel like I’ve scratched the surface of the game. Be sure to subscribe to TriForce Reviews and follow us on Twitter to keep up to date with our next Sea of Thieves journal and our upcoming review!